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Billede information:
Fugleart (IOC): Sølvtrappe (Lissotis hartlaubii) Hartlaub's Bustard - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Lokalitet: Alledeghi Plain, Etiopien
Dato: 19. februar 2011
Billede opsætning: Canon EOS 7D + Canon EF 400/5.6L USM
Fotograf: David Erterius, Sverige
Uploadet den: 1. april 2011
Hits: Billedet har været vist 1985 gange.


Rune Sø Neergaard skriver søndag 23. december 2012 kl. 16.57
In Birds of East Africa by Stevenson and Fanshawe Hartlaub's Bustard is depicted with pale yellow iris.

Therefore at first when I saw Davids nice picture I was sure he had made a fault. However after searching the net I found no pictures of pale-eyed Hartlaub's.

So obviously a mistake in "Birds of East Africa"?

Best wishes, Rune

Carsten Murmann skriver onsdag 26. december 2012 kl. 14.02
Yes, Rune, David shows a marked brown or reddish brown iris.

Praed & Grant, 1952, illustrate yellowish iris.
My 20 random picks on Google 'Hartlaub's B. photo' displayed yellowish iris, so Stevenson et al. are hardly absolutely wrong.

Smile :
By the way, the German ornithologists Theodor von Heuglin, and Gustav Hartlaub exchanged surnames when coining scientific names of Hartlaub's and Heuglin's Bustard in 1863 and 1859, respectively.

Hartlaub also named a bird after himself (!), viz.
the Principe Sunbird, A. hartlaubii (1857).

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