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Billede information:
Fugleart: Gul Vipstjert - (Motacilla flava) - Western Yellow Wagtail
Fugleart (IOC): Gul Vipstjert (Motacilla flava) Western Yellow Wagtail ssp. melanogrisea - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Titel / info: 2 of 3 images: Black-headed Yellow Wagtail ssp feldegg - type "melanogrisea"
Lokalitet: Waterhole "no-name" 25 km west of Bishkek, Kirgisien
Dato: 29. juni 2011
Billede info: This Yellow Wagtail ssp feldegg of the form/type 'melanogrisea' is hereby first-confirmation as breeding form in Kyrgyzstan. I noticed one breeding pair hence the food in the bill of the adults, and confirmed it by observing how the adults flew to/from nest in a little bush.

Unless disagreement occur about my identification as 'melanogrisea' the eastern form of ssp feldegg.

The white on side of throat should be diagnostic for 'melanogrisea' and in my mind the black hood is slightly smaller than western feldegg.

I noticed the call was less "shrilling" compared to neighbouring Citrine Wagtails; good to remember when discussing whether the call is valuable ID-feature when seperating migrating eastern forms of Yellow Wagtials and Citrine Wagtail in DK... Its not that difficult to identifie migrating Citrine Wagtails solely on the call...

This observation of 'melanogrisea' is interesting as the feldeggs breeding in Southern Kazakhstan only 100-150 km further direction North all (at least what I have seen) belongs to ssp feldegg. I have seen many feldegg in southern Kazakhstan, but so far no 'melanogrisea.'

The feldegg I have seen in breeding time in southern Kazakhstan in addition seems to prefer moist habitats with higher vegetation than this 'melanogrisea' which occured in "typical" grassy low-vegetation meadow among Citrine Wagtails. But this might be pure coincidence and vague speculation...
Fotograf: Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, Kirgisien
Uploadet den: 11. juli 2011
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