isn't a juvenile American Cliff Swallow - (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) ?
Arne Kiis skriver mandag 28. november 2011 kl. 13.09
Massimiliano, your have a valid point.
To my eye the bird above looks like a different species (or age group) than this:
Three local birders present also watching a flock of c. 100 swallows (in which the bird above and the other one was) disagreed 2:1 on whether all were Barn's or not.
In my eyes it looks like a Cave Swallow, ssp. pallida.
The unmarked reddish throat looks good for a Cave Swallow.
I would expect to find some blackish on the throat of an American Cliff Swallow, and I would expect to find a very dirty looking dark throat if it was a juvenile.
It is clearly not a Barn Swallow. Even the juvenile of that species has a much deeper fork in the tail, and the undertail coverts would not be spotted as in the swallow above. Furthermore it would have a blackish mark on each side of the breast (a collar broken in the middle).
Palle Jensen skriver mandag 28. november 2011 kl. 20.04
The bird is a Cave swallow juvenile, as Bent says.
Buffy throat, not dark as on Cliff swallow.
This species is often seen together with Barn swallow.