Fugleart (IOC): |
Korthalet Skovstjerne (Myrmia micrura) Short-tailed Woodstar - species factsheet |
Stemme: |
Stemmer findes her (eksternt link). |
Lokalitet: |
Cajamarca, Peru |
Dato: |
19. juli 2012 |
Billede info: |
By far the most anonymous hummingbird I have seen. It is absolutely tiny with its 6 cm (including bill) leaving only 3-4 cm's of body. In addition it was almost silent in flight and fouraged very low - actually one had to look very closely to rule out an insect. It also took a great deal of searching to find it perched on a twig, and not all of us managed to see the bird. It was the only one seen on the trip. |
Fotograf: |
Ole Zoltan Göller, Danmark http://www.ozg.dk/ |
Uploadet den: |
5. december 2012 |
Hits: |
Billedet har været vist 1111 gange. |